
You’ve Made the Sacrifice. Now Enjoy the Success.


Over the years, we’ve come to know physicians and their unique circumstances well. We’ve developed a proactive approach that helps you to get ahead of the business and tax challenges you face. It starts with the conviction that you simply shouldn’t lose 60% of your income to reimbursements and pay 40% of the balance to taxes. We excel at helping you to lift this burden and enjoy a better quality of life.


Here's How We Can Help

Are you incorporated? If not, chances are you should be. Corporations pay substantially lower taxes than individuals because they use a separate tax system. You can enjoy the same tax benefits corporations receive along together with the individual benefits you’re already entitled to. To take advantage of both tax systems, your medical practice should file a separate S Corporation return in addition to your individual return.

From there, we can show you how to limit your tax liabilities while earning more income. Building on the years of personal and financial investment you’d made in helping others, you deserve to help yourself as well.


Meet Your Personal Tax Concierge

American Dream CPA’s Concierge Program is tailored to reduce tax pain and give you greater financial freedom. It provides all the services you need to keep more of your hard-earned money and enjoy the quality of life you deserve. [Learn more]


“We take you and your money personally, and we’re here to make sure more of it stays where it belongs—with you. Our successful track record over decades demonstrates our methods work. Our expertise and efficiency keep our fees reasonable.”

— Adrian Keith Skane, Senior Partner, CPA


Prognosis: Excellent

Forgive the analogy, but to us tax pain looks like an infected appendix. Think of our approach to helping self-employed physicians as a financial appendectomy. We remove pain at the source. To do so, we take care of everything from tax planning and preparation to bookkeeping and payroll. We encourage you to take full advantage of the tax system, and use both the individual and corporate tax systems properly.
